Aikido,the Contemporary Martial Art of Harmony;Training Methods and Spiritual Teachings (English translation of Aikido book)

作家名: Moriteru Ueshiba
出版社: 内外出版社
Aikido,the Contemporary Martial Art of Harmony;Training Methods and Spiritual Teachings (English translation of Aikido book)


※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。【内容】English translation of “Aikido, keiko to kokoro: gendai ni ikiru chowa no budo"Aikido, the Contemporary Martial Art of Harmony: Training Methods and Spiritual Teachings is an introductory book on aikido,explains in easy-to-understand words the philosophy, techniques, and training methods of aikido which are designed to enable its trainees to transcend contests and conflicts and to develop themselves mentally and physically in perfect harmony with each other in training. ◆Preface◆The History of Aikido◆Training Methods and Spiritual Teachings of Aikido◆The Tradition of Aikido◆Brief Personal Records of Successive Doshus【著者】Moriteru Ueshiba (1951- ) Doshu of Aikido1985 Took office as Managing Director.1996 Took office as Chief Director of the Aikikai Federation.1999 Succeeded to the position of Doshu owing to the second Doshu's death.2006 Received an Anchieta Medal of Brazil. Became emeritus visiting professor at International Budo University.2009 Was awarded the Order of Friendship from the Russian Federation.2010 Took office as special invited professor at Kogakkan University (till 2017).2012 Took office as Chief Director of the Aikikai Public Utility Foundation owing to the change of status of Aikikai from an incorporated foundation to public utility foundation. Received the Gold Medal from University of Valencia.2013 Was conferred a Blue Ribbon Medal for his achievements of publicizing and promoting aikido. Filled many important posts including the Director of the Nippon Budokan Public Utility Foundation and Senator at International Budo University.

